Pulling a Hat Out of a Rabbit

One of my magic comics available on shirts, mugs, mouse pads
Forgotten Tricks in Magic History #38

I've been having fun creating these "scenes" from various public domain images I find around the interwebs. They are available on t-shirts and other stuff at my Magic Trick Shirts Store on Zazzle.com.

There are also fun shirts for magicians to use as a card revelation... you'll see them when you get there.

On my graphic design portfolio site, I have a page that describes the process of creating these in more detail, showing the original images I used - www.GregMcMahan.com

1 comment:

  1. If any of you have an idea for a "Forgotten Trick" you'd like to see, please let me know and I'll get right on it.


Looking forward to reading your clean and civil comments. Remember, there may be children looking at my blog since I am a childrens entertainer as well as a graphic designer.

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Grand Illusions

Here is a wonderful YouTube channel about toys, optical illusions, magic tricks, and other interesting items presented by Tim Rowett in the UK.